
Escape Gallery

Gallery website
Ashrafieh, St. Nicola St. facing the church
Ground floor

Mon-Fri:10:00am-1:00pm and 3:00–6:00pm
Saturday 10:00am-3:00pm

The Gallery
Gallery Escape is a modern and contemporary art gallery, which seeks to Exhibit the artworks of local and international artists in a dynamic and organized space, through solo and collective exhibitions.

Representing artists working with different techniques and concepts, including figurative art, conceptual art, mixed media, abstract paintings, sculptures, photography and other visual arts and offering a place for artists to communicate, interact and exchange experiences.

The Artists
Ayoub Bitar, Elissar El Hajj, Mariam Hamza, Sana Jaber, Marie Nassar, Ahmad Nehme, Zahraa Reslan, Iman Toufaily.